Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences curriculum and Admissions

We will introduce the curriculum of Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences Faculty of Agriculture.

Curriculum policy

The Department is centered around the key concepts of "environment and resources." Based on a foundation of basic knowledge in biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science, the Department offers a wide range of education, from basic content related to the global environment to more specialized content.

In order to understand environmental and resource-related issues, which have become increasingly important in recent years, it is essential to have a broad and deep understanding of natural sciences. In this department, we provide an education that cultivates the ability to acquire a wealth of basic knowledge of natural sciences, apply it to understand the various environmental and resource-related problems facing humanity, and develop the thinking skills to set up a path to solving them. In addition to knowledge and thinking skills, we also place emphasis on the skills and techniques required to put them into practice, and for this reason, we incorporate experimental and practical subjects in our specialized courses.



  Specialized department
School year Undergraduate common subjects Department common subjects Department specialized subjects
4th year   Environmental statistical analysis exercise Environmental activity guidance method
Scientific English article subscription
Graduation thesis
3rd year Modern Agriculture
Biological Resources
International Environmental Agriculture
Environmental and Bio-Correlated Theory
Animal and human behavior
Special Overseas Exercises I, II, III, IV
Overseas Special Training I, II,
Faculty of Agriculture Special Lectures I, II, III
metabolic biochemistry
Instrumental analysis I
aqueous chemistry
Resource polymer physics
Environmental resources organic chemistry
Wood resource physics
tree ecophysiology
Microbial physiological ecology
forest training
Instrumental analysis II
Environmental information analysis
environmental climatology
Environmental resource science experiment Ⅲ (biology application)
Environmental Resource Science Experiment Ⅳ (Earth Science)
biodegradation science
Forest resource utilization science
Forest resource formation science
environmental botany
paper pulp science
Housing environment structure
Life cycle assessment
Resource decomposition/waste science
Forest/Forestry Theory
environmental molecular biology
Environmental assessment science
Special lecture on environmental resource science
2nd year Vocational guidance (agriculture)
FS experiment training
environmental resource thermodynamics
Forest resource science
Environmental resource science training B
material biochemistry
resource materials mechanics
Environmental resource science experiment I (applied physics)
Environmental resource science experiment II (chemical application)
atmospheric chemistry
Wood resource chemistry
Terrestrial environmental studies
environmental toxicology
Resource polymer chemistry
Plant tissue morphology control
ecomaterial science
environmental soil science
environmental pollution chemistry
environmental microbiology
ecosystem ecology
1st year   Information processing science
ecosystem management
Environmental resource science training A
environmental analytical chemistry
environmental metrology
Housing environment studies
resource recycling science
Geosphere environmental studies
atmospheric environment science
Marine environmental studies





Qualifications that can be obtained

● Junior high school teacher class 1 license (science)
● High school teacher class 1 license (science/agriculture)
● Museum curator

For details, please see the course registration guide .

Diploma policy

A. Must have the basic knowledge of natural science necessary to understand environmental and resource issues.

B. Must be able to understand world-class natural science research related to food, life, resources, and environmental issues that humanity faces, and have the ability to think scientifically.

C. Have acquired the basic skills and techniques necessary for environmental and resource science.

D. Must have a wide range of insight into environmental resource issues and the ability to communicate with people from different cultures.

Admission policy

1. Persons who are interested in issues related to local ecology, production, and social management, planning, and regeneration, and have the desire to contribute to solving these issues from a global perspective.

2. Those who have sufficient academic ability in science subjects such as biology, chemistry, and physics, as well as basic subjects such as Japanese, mathematics, and English.


Department of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences will conduct individual academic achievement tests as follows. For details, please click here.
For important information regarding entrance examinations, please click here.
For information on third-year transfer, please click here.

Faculty information session

Please see here for the event schedule.
