Japanese → English (Google)



Click on the "class site" you want to send a message to and ? ? then " on the "Outline Screen".click "Message

Create a message

"Compose Message" tab.Click on the

"To": Specify the recipient of the message. You can choose from "All Participants", "Instructor role", "Student role" or individual participants.
"Add Bcc"...If you want to send as Bcc, enter the recipient here.
"Send Cc" - Check "Send a copy of this message to the recipient's email address" as necessary.
"Label"...Choose the importance of the message from "Normal", "Low" or "High".
"Subject": The subject of the message.
"Message"...The body of the message.
"Add Attachment"...You can add an attachment.

"Send" button.Please send it by clicking the
