2022-11-07 Applied chemistry experiment II “Spiropyran experiment ~ Qualitative experiment ~”

Following on from last week, we'd like to introduce you to the "Applied Chemistry Experiment II" class for second-year students in the Department of Applied Chemistry Faculty of Engineering!
In this class, students will learn many of the basic operations required for conducting organic chemistry experiments through practical exercises, while deepening their understanding of the content they have studied in lectures on organic chemistry and polymer chemistry.
Today we will be conducting a qualitative experiment on ``spiropyran,'' which has a property called ``photochromism,'' in which its structure changes when exposed to light, and its color changes accordingly!
One that investigates how "photochromism" changes depending on the solvent.
The first photo shows a solution of spiropyran that was irradiated with ultraviolet light for 1 minute.
Colorful and beautiful! ! !
The reason each test tube has a different color is because each test tube contains a different solvent.
From the left, it was dissolved in ethanol, toluene, acetonitrile, and acetone.

The second photo is before UV rays were applied.
Before the change occurs, it is difficult to tell the difference depending on the solvent visually.

The students were comparing the items that had been exposed to UV rays and those that had not been exposed to UV rays, observing how long it took for the changed color to return to its original state.

The 4th to 6th photos are of the class.
In order to make the solution, the students all worked very seriously, measuring spiropyran and dividing the solution into test tubes!

#Exploring education at Hakken and Koken #Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology TUAT #University #Tokyo #University entrance exam #Exam #Exam takers #Faculty Faculty of Agriculture #Faculty of Faculty of Engineering #Campus life #University students #Experiment #Chemistry #Practical training #Class #Photochromism #Spiropyran #Applied chemistry Department of Applied Chemistry