2022-11-04 Applied chemistry experiment II “Spiropyran experiment ~Quantitative experiment~”

A student is collecting data while looking at the machine.
This is a laboratory in New Building 1 on the Koganei campus.
Today, I'm going to visit the "Applied Chemistry Experiment II" class for second-year students Faculty of Engineering Department of Applied Chemistry of Engineering!
"Applied Chemistry Experiments" consists of I to III, and II involves synthetic experiment training and polymer property experiments related to organic chemistry.
One that conducts experiments and creates reports on basic content regarding the conversion of organic compounds, higher-order structure and physical property evaluation of polymer compounds.
By the way, in Applied Chemistry Experiment I, Wang conducts experiments related to physical chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and analytical chemistry, and in Applied Chemistry Experiment III, he conducts experiments related to organic chemistry and physical chemistry.

This time we will be dealing with an organic compound called ``spiropyran'' in the second photo.
This is something that the students put together in class the day before.
Spiropyran has a property called ``photochromism,'' in which its structure changes when exposed to light, and its color changes accordingly.
A substance that changes color when exposed to light! ?
Interesting one!

In this training, we will analyze the reaction rate and solvent dependence of such mysterious spiropyran photochromism!
Today, Wang will be introducing a quantitative experiment to investigate the reaction rate of photochromism.

The liquid in which spiropyran is dissolved in ethanol is shown in the third photo.
If you expose it to ultraviolet light for 1 minute...

As you can see in the 4th and 5th photos, the dog gradually turned bright pink!

I put this in the spectrometer shown in the 6th photo and checked the absorbance every 2 minutes.
Absorbance is a measure of a substance's ability to absorb light.
It expresses how much light is absorbed and weakened when it passes through a substance.
By examining the change in absorbance, it is possible to calculate how quickly a solution that turns a beautiful pink color when exposed to ultraviolet light returns to its original color.
The seventh photo is the experiment notebook.
In the notebook, the students carefully summarized what they had researched, including flowcharts of experimental procedures and the properties of reagents.
Everyone reads the experiment text carefully and prepares properly before going into the experiment.
Next week, Wang will introduce a ``qualitative experiment'' to analyze the solvent dependence of photochromism.
#Exploring education at Hakken and Koken #Tokyo Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology TUAT #University #Tokyo #University entrance exam #Exam #Exam takers #Faculty Faculty of Agriculture #Faculty of Faculty of Engineering #Campus life #University students #Experiment #Chemistry #Practical training #Class #Photochromism #Spiropyran #Applied chemistry Department of Applied Chemistry