Recruitment for Coordinator Position (Institute for Fostering Leadership to Create Future Value through Outstanding Research, Innovation and Sustainable Higher Education)

Name of applicant Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Business Content (1) Supporting programs to strengthen the development of innovative human resources in doctoral programs at graduate schools
(2) Planning, management, operation and implementation of the development of "innovation-creating human resources"
(3) Planning, management, operation and implementation of symposiums, conferences, events, etc.
(4) Preparation of annual program plans and performance reports
(5) Other matters as instructed by the Director of Institute for Fostering Leadership to Create Future Value through Outstanding Research, Innovation and Sustainable Higher Education
Scope of changes to business operations Coordinator duties
Affiliation Institute for Fostering Leadership to Create Future Value through Outstanding Research, Innovation and Sustainable Higher Education
Job Type Coordinator position
Employment status Full-time employee (with term of office)
trial period In principle, for three months
Contract period From April 1, 2025
Renewal of employment contract Reappointment possible (subject to review)
Renewal Limit Possible renewal within 5 years from the start of the contract
Place of work Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Fuchu Campus:
〒183-8509 3-5-8 Saiwai-cho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
Take the bus from JR Kokubunji Station or Keio Line Fuchu Station to "Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology" and walk for 3 minutes
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology and Technology Koganei Campus:
2-24-16 Nakamachi, Koganei City, Tokyo 184-8588
10 minutes walk from Higashi-Koganei Station on the JR Chuo Line
Scope of change in place of employment Location determined by the university
Working hours, break times, and overtime work 8:30-17:15
Overtime available (average 10 hours per month)
Break time 60 minutes
holiday Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, May 31st, and December 29th to January 3rd
vacation Annual leave, special leave, sick leave
Basic wage Annual salary of 300,000 yen or more monthly amount (depending on educational background and years of experience)
Other allowances available
Various allowances Commuting allowance, housing allowance, etc. (all if the payment requirements set by the university are met)
bonus none
Insurance Workers' Accident Compensation Insurance, Employment Insurance, Health Insurance and Pension Insurance
Qualification requirements Applicants must meet the following criteria (1) to (3):
(1) College graduate or above
(2) Those who have experience in planning, drafting and coordinating educational programs at universities or other educational and research institutions, have an understanding of the development of innovative human resources and are enthusiastic about the above-mentioned work. In addition, those with experience in coordinating with overseas institutions are preferred.
(3) Those who are fluent in both English and Japanese.
Application method Required Documents
(1) Resume
(2) Work history
After screening the documents, we will contact the candidates to schedule an interview date.
Please note that application documents will not be returned.
Application Deadline Friday, February 14, 2025
Receptionist 〒183-8538
Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Educational Affairs Office Educational Support Office 3-8-1 Harumicho, Fuchu City, Tokyo
contact address E-mail: kyokai1”@” (Please enter @ in “add”.)
Tel: 042-367-5943
